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Get to Know Farmer Girl Eb

Located on the corner of Noblestown Rd in Pittsburgh's West End, Farmer Girl Eb offers locally grown produce, organic herbals, made-to-order food, and freshly squeezed juice. Visit us at 1 Noblestown Rd, Pittsburgh, PA 15220 in the West End and enjoy all of the abundance mother earth has to offer!

Interested in placing a pick-up order? Just complete one of our contact forms found on the shop page and let us know a day and time that works best for you.

Learn more about all of our educational opportunities, courses, and consultations here.

Meet Ebony Lunsford-Evans
Founder & CEO

A wife, mother, and grower, Ebony Lunsford-Evans proudly goes by the name “Farmer Girl Eb” because of her love of farming, gardening, and just plain old playing in dirt!


She loves anything that has to do with growing.


A native of Pittsburgh’s Northside and a product of the Pittsburgh Public School system, Ebony decided to become an educator herself and earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education and her Master’s Degree in Curriculum and Instruction.


She taught in the Pittsburgh School District for eleven years before becoming a full-time urban farmer.


It all started in her backyard while she was raising her children. 


They would always choose science projects related to growing something whether it was a plant, flower, or vegetable. Eb and her kids would work together in the garden on these projects. Soon after, other kids within her community were drawn to the work and decided to lend a helping hand.

So true to her nature, she turned her backyard into an outdoor classroom and began teaching the youth how to grow food.


After growing over 30 different types of fruits, vegetables, and herbs, they had a small youth farmer’s market!

Meet Ebony

After doing this for about two years, Ebony founded a non-profit organization called Out of the End, Incorporated, in order to continue to provide these skills on a larger scale while continuing to develop professionally.


She regularly attends farming seminars, participates in rigorous research and controlled experiments, and became a member of the Pennsylvania Association for Sustainable Agriculture (PASA) which assists with her ability to stay abreast of best farming practices.

Ebony continues to educate and advocate for growing food and is so completely fulfilled in her role of helping her community, by and large, to thrive through the necessary skills to maintain healthier lifestyles, fight illness and become closer to being self-sustainable when it comes to growing our own food.


Out of the End, Inc.
Youth Program

OUT OF THE END, INCORPORATED is a non-profit organization providing the skills necessary to thrive to youth between the ages of 5 - 17.

Established in 2019, our mission is to create a foundation for the Black and Brown community within the Greater Pittsburgh Metropolitan area and surroundings with sustainability, equity, and livability.


We want low-income and at-risk families to thrive by growing their own food, providing their own basic medical skills, and becoming financially literate enough to produce their own financial institutions. Our vision is a world of people with access to free food, healthcare, and financial resources to help live a stress-free life.

In our program, participants will learn how to eat healthily and care for their bodies and the environment. Youth to senior citizens can gain incredible value from this programming. 


Through our organization we want families to find the resources that will provide employment for family and the community. Upon completion of our program, participants will be prepared for entrepreneurship endeavors.


Youth Programming Goals:

We offer 8-week sessions year-round to youth ages 5-17. Our main goal is to provide skills to participants that will help them learn to care for their selves and one another. We want our participants to gain the skills and knowledge necessary to become the economic foundation that sustains at-risk people and families in Pittsburgh and communities at-large.

Specific Outcomes:

  1. Participants learn to grow food and or find it.

  2. How to find water and purify it.

  3. Learn the art of clothing repair

  4. Learn basic grooming skills

  5. Learn First Aid.

  6. How to start and maintain a fire.

  7. Learn basic self-defense strategies/Fitness

  8. Learn financial strategies to become and maintain youth entrepreneurs*

  9. Learn cabin building (optional)

  10. Each participant creates their own “Bug Out” bag.


*Our entrepreneurship program is where you will learn what it takes to mass produce your product and how to market. On-site experience will give new markets the experience of group trading, price setting and book-keeping. With these skills, we are on our way to an economic foundation.


Business Economy

The founding and purpose of #1Sound is to develop a solid business economy through the collaboration of local minority businesses that will function and thrive as a collective.


The first business developed with #1Sound is Farmer Girl Eb, where seeds, seedlings, herbs, plants, fresh produce, and floral arrangements are planted, grown, and sold locally.

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